Skills Where You Can Let Your Children Learn During MCO While Staying at Home
If you are looking for some new knowledge where you can let your children learn during this lockdown period of time then check out this site where you can find these websites for your kids to upgrade and learn more skills.
Fashion Design
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If you dream of your kids becomes fashion design then you can get them to start early by design their own clothes and then the designs would also make a wonderful addition to a role-play corner. With this resource, children are asked to design items like skirts and jumpers. Get those creative juices flowing and download the resource below. Fashion Design Studio Clothing Design Worksheet
During the lockdown, why not get them to start designing their own clothes? It’s a great activity at home or in the classroom. The designs would also make a wonderful addition to a role-play corner. With this resource, children are asked to design items like skirts and jumpers.
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Now if you like filmmaking where you can enjoy technology like smartphones and tablets where you can pick a theme, topic, or story and get children to film it. Then, using free software like Windows Movie, Maker, iMovie or PowerDirector, go in and edit your masterpiece. You could get everyone to share their videos! You can do this on a home TV, computer, or in the classroom if you’re still at school.
First Aid
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For those who wanted to enjoy some great life skills at any age then check out this where children can benefit from learning how to deal with a medical emergency. To start learning this new skill, you could play a fun game like charades and discuss how you’d help someone in need. This will really help to embed learning and familiarise children with these new skills. First Aid Charades ActivityThis is a great life skill for someone to have at any age. Children will really benefit from learning how to deal with a medical emergency. To start learning this new skill, you could play a fun game like charades and discuss how you’d help someone in need. This will really help to embed learning and familiarise children with these new skills.
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In the world of social media, news, and more, you can let your children learn about how to write great news reports that will equip children with lots of skills. It’ll build their news literacy and boost their writing skills too. Plus, if you film some pretend news reports, it can be great fun as well! To get some inspiration, head over to Twinkl NewsRoom for a daily news story for kids. journalism a world of social media, fake news, and amateur reporting, spotting the signs of a trusted news story is more important than ever. Learning how to write a great news report will equip children with lots of skills. It’ll build their news literacy and boost their writing skills too. Plus, if you film some pretend news reports, it can be great fun as well! To get some inspiration, head over to Twinkl NewsRoom for a daily news story for kids.
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Enjoy the stories of Wallace and Gromit or Shaun the Sheep in this animation where you can find a more traditional route using playdough and plasticine with some stop motion effect too. Animation Year 4 Unit PackGot some fans of Wallace and Gromit or Shaun the Sheep? Get them involved in some animation! You could go down the more traditional route using playdough and plasticine with some stop-motion effects. Or, for any computer whizzes out there, computer animation could be a fun alternative.
App Development
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If you ever wanted to design your own app then check out this easy way where you could fill out this worksheet, which asks children to come up with an idea and design an app. Design an App WorksheetHow can I use this Design an App worksheet with my child? Help your child to consider and navigate the world of mobile applications.
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If you are looking for some skill that is importantly related to life then check out this maths involved in baking: measuring, weighing, telling the time. With these biscuit recipe cards, children can make delicious biscuits whilst also practicing essential maths skills. Biscuit Recipe CardsBaking is a relaxing (and tasty!) hobby to get into. Even better, it’s an important life skill and an opportunity to learn about maths. There are lots of maths involved in baking: measuring, weighing, telling the time. With these biscuit recipe cards, children can make delicious biscuits whilst also practicing essential maths skills.
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If you like your children to learn more about drawing then check out this place where it can help develop their skills and helps children to be in the moment and focus on the here and now, which can enhance their wellbeing. How to Draw a Face InstructionsDrawing has lots of great benefits. It can help develop fine motor skills, as well as being a useful mindfulness tool. Drawing helps children to be in the moment and focus on the here and now, which can enhance their wellbeing. What’s more, you’ll have lots of lovely pictures to hang on a display or the fridge. Want to learn how to draw a face?