Enjoy discounts up to 80% on handbag brands like Coach, Kate Spade, Longchamp, Gucci, Prada, Balenciaga, Dior, Fendi, Burberry, Miu Miu and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Enjoy discounts on brands like Prada, Gucci, Longchamp, Coach, Burberry, Moschino, Versace and many more. Please go and check it out now.
7/6/2010 – 20/6/2010 | Bonia Fair at Jusco Bandar Utama. Products Offered includes Leather Bags, Shoes, Wallet, Purse and many more
16/5/2010 | LuxOnU LongChamp Handbag Party. Summary: Discount Up to 40% Off. Life is full of COLOURS! More than 20 LongChamp colours and 40 designs to choose from!
1/5/2010 – 2/5/2010 | Luxonu Luxury Handbag Sale. Discount Up to 60% Off.