From 22 November to 8 December 2024, POPULAR and HARRIS bookstores are offering up to 30% off bestselling books, with additional discounts on stationery and gadgets. Plus, spend RM100 or more to stand a chance to win prizes worth over RM300,000! Visit any POPULAR or HARRIS store today.
Popular Malaysia
Don’t miss the POPULAR Book Expo at The Starling, Damansara Uptown from 13-22 September 2024. Enjoy discounts up to 70%, exclusive 100 Years Celebration items, and special rewards including a RM30 rebate and exclusive travel blanket with purchases over RM268. Join in the bookish excitement and grab amazing deals at this must-attend event!
Enjoy discounts up to 90% on books, magazines, stationery, study books, children books, fiction, non-fiction and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Enjoy discounts up to 90% on general books, stationery, fiction, non-fiction, magazines, school materials, children books and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Enjoy discounts up to 80% on general books, fiction, non-fiction, lifestyle books, children books, school revision books, stationery, magazines, multimedia learning equipment, educational materials and many more. Please go and check it out now.
njoy rebates discounts up to 90% on general books, fiction, non-fiction, lifestyles books, student books, kid books, school books, stationery and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Products that offered are books, stationery , magazine , bags and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Popular is back with their Book & Music Fair, this round with Free RM5 Popular Voucher with any purchase o f RM100 and above. POPULAR sells a wide variety of fiction, non-fiction and general interest books in English, Chinese and Malay languages, as well as school textbooks and revision books. In addition, it also offers a large selection of magazines, stationery, multi-media products, gift items and CDs.