Brands that offered are Sarli , NEL , Valentino Creations. Alain Delon , Larrie , Smalto , Bonia , Hush Puppies , BUM Equipment , Sachs , Pierre Cardin and many more. Please go and check it out now.
KL Sogo is having its ladies gallery spring clearance sale now. Brands that offered are Scholl , Sentini , Easrli , Valentino Creations , NEL , Audrey , Skiva , Sorella , Hush Puppies , SouthChinaSea , Polo , AppleMints , Voir , Soda , BUM Equipment , Diesel , C.Union , Cheetah , Googles , Jeep , Nicole , Rev Edition and many more. Please come and get yours now.
Ladies, there will be another great sales by KL Sogo. A sales with huge list of brands apparels for you all to grab for your both leisure and working attire. Choose from the brands such as NEL, Crocodile, VoirJeans, Joan Allen, Kylie Lang, Polo, Cheetah, Sorella, Nicole, Hush Puppies Apparel, Esarli, Diesel, Audrey, Valentino Creations, Anne Kelly, PIerre Cardin and more. So hurry and grab this offer today!
Looking for some really great leather shoes and goodies this summer! Check out KL Sogo latest summer fair on their leathers good and products. Find yourself into brand such as Guess, Valentino Rudy, Sentini, Giossardi, Sachs, Larrie, Sembonia, NEL, Valentino, Pierre Cardin, Alain Delon, Giamax, Polo Racquet Club and more! So if you are looking for a pair of good and comfortable leather shoes, I bet you know where to find them in the best price now. So don’t miss out this sales.
Ladies, Sogo is back again with their sales this month offer brands specially selected for ladies only. On this sales you can enjoy brands such as Forest, Scholl, Audrey, Hush Puppies, Polo, Ladylike, Nicole, NEL, Googles, Larrie, Jeep, Esarli, Cheetah, Valentino Creations and more! So if you are looking forward to restock up your clothing and wears, then you must not miss this chance to check this sales up!
Sogo Ladieswear Mega Hot Deals. Chinese New Year is almost over but the sale is not. Check out the Sogo Ladieswear Mega Hot Deals. There will be various of promotion and offers during this sale. With various women wear brands offered during this sale.
Sogo Ladies Gallery Super Hot Bargain Gallore. Ladies, there is a good news. Sogo is having the Ladies Gallery Super Hot Bargain Galore. Enjoy discount up to 70% off.
11/6/2010 – 20/6/2010 | Ladieswear Blazing Summer Fair. Free RM20 gift voucher with every purchase worth RM200 and above in a single receipt from this event. Brands Offered includes Cheetah, Crocodile, Applemints, Larrie and many more
12/4/2010 – 25/4/2010 | Ladies Gallery Mega Hot Deals. Discount up to 70% Off.