Enjoy discounts on bras, panties, lingerie and many more. Please go and check it out now.
lingerie fair
Enjoy discounts on brands like Sorella , Felancy , Young Hearts and many more.
Enjoy discounts on brands like Triumph , Audrey and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Enjoy discounts on brands like Pierre Cardin, Audrey, Triumph, Wacoal , Xixili and many more.
Brands that offer are Sorella, Young Hearts, Pierre Cardin , Felancy and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Sale highlights are RM50 off when you buy 2 pcs of regular price bras, Get a RM30 Discount Voucher when you spend RM300 and above on regular price items and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Products that offered are bra , lingerie and many more. Please go and check it out now.
XIXILI is having its FREE Shopping Bag Promotion in XIXILI Lingerie Fair now. FREE shopping bag with purchased of RM160 & above. While stocks last. 20% off with purchase of 2 pieces of normal prices items. 30-50% off on selected items. Selected 2 pieces at RM120-130. Products that offered are bra , sleepwear , tap pant , palazzo pant , vest , girdle , panties and many more.