Enjoy an RM60 rebate when you spend RM300 on outdoor gear from top brands like Karrimor, Gelert, and Hi-Tec at Sports Direct Malaysia, from 6th to 22nd September 2024.
28 May-2 Jun 2014: SportsDirect Malaysia Sportswear Warehouse Sale Clearance for Nike, Adidas & Puma
Enjoy clearance discounts up to 85% on branded sports like Nike, Adidas, Lonsdale, Karrimor, Slazenger, Yonex, Sondico, Skechers, Dunlop, Asocs, Kangol, Brooks, No Fear, Speedo, Goldigga, Arena, 361 degrees, ProKennex, Li-Ning and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Enjoy discounts up to 70% on sports apparels, sports shoes, sports accessories, sports equipment, swimwear, fitness equipment and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Enjoy discounts on sports brands like Adidas, Puma, Dunlop, Speedo, Lonsdale, Karrimor, Slazenger and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Enjoy discounts on footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories, football, rackets, fitness & gym, team sports, hiking & camping, cycling, outdoor & winter jackets and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Products that offer are sports shoes, sports apparels, sports equipment, sports accessories, football, rackets, fitness, gym, team sports, hiking, camping, cycling, outdoor sports, winter jackets, skate, scooter, swimming, indoor games, lifestyle and many more.
Sports Warehouse Sale – to – SportsDirect Malaysia -
Enjoy discounts on brands like Karrimor, Campri, Coleman, Deuter, No Fear, Asics, Adidas, Nike, Suunto , Henselite and many more. Please go and check it out now.
Brands that offered are Adidas , Nike , Puma , Yones , Karrimor , Hi Tec , Brooks , Wilson , Slazenger , Lotto , Dunlop , Reebok , Skechers , Arena , Speedo and many more. Please go and check it out now.
SportsDirect Warehouse Sale is back now. Brands that offered are Adidas , Nike , Puma , Yonex , Karrimor , Hi-Tec , Wilson , Slazenger , Lotto , Sondico , Dunlop , Reebok , 361 , Arena , Speedo , Voodoo Dolls , Kangol , USA Pro , ProKennex , Campri and many more.
SportsDirect is having its Grand Sales now. Brands that offered are Yonex , Slazenger , Puma , Karrimor , Adidas , Nike , Wilson , Kangol , Asics , Dunlop , Speedo and many more.
Are you always going for outdoor. There will be a camping gear stock clearance sales happening this month. Here you can find product such as bicycle, ice box, camping bag, sleeping bag, safety jacket, paintball mast, clothing and more! Brands offer here are freelife, FeelFree, Camp, Karrimor, Eastpak, Suunto, Coleman, Deuter, Sly, Maglite, Leather Man, Camping AZ and more. So don’t miss out this sales if you are looking for this stuff. Spread this news around, there might be some friends of yours looking for these gears.