Summary: Quiksilver and Roxy is having its 18th Anniversary Spectacular Promotions now. Members enjoy 50% off (non-members enjoy 30% off) storewide at Quiksilver and Roxy.
– RM500,000 worth of Quiksilver / Roxy vouchers up for grabs at 50% off.
Special Promotion:
– 1 pc at RM29 / RM39
– 2 pcs at RM49 / RM69
– Terms and conditions apply.
Company: Quilsilver Malaysia / Roxy Malaysia
Date: from 27th May 2013 to 2nd June 2013
– All Quisilver Stores in Malaysia ( Store Locator )
– All Roxy Stores in Malaysia ( Store Locator )
EverydayOnSales Talks:
Overall EverydayOnSales thinks that this is an exclusive anniversary promotion related to fashion and sportswear. The items that they offer are really worth to get. For those who are interested , kindly visit to Quiksilver and Roxy
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