Summary: There is a Frog & Toad Exhibition happening in Putrajaya now. Frogs and toads is increasingly threatened with extinction due to natural disasters and climate change. Thus, this exhibitionwill display some knowledge and disseminate information relating to this special amphibians. Living specimens of frogs and toads, frog skeleton specimen preservative and exhibited beside general description of features, morphological, family, life cycle, technique survival (survival), diet, role in the ecosystem and conservation efforts.
– Terms and conditions apply.
Company: Nature Museum Malaysia
Date: from 22nd March 2013 to 22nd April 2013 ( 9am to 5pm )
Nature Museum, Jalan Diplomatik,Presint 15, 62000 Precint 15, Putrajaya
EverydayOnSales Talks:
Overall EverydayOnSales thinks that this is an exclusive exhibition event related to animals. The items that they offer are really worth to get.

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