Xing Fu Tang Malaysia is having their 11.11 Promotion at Sunway Velocity. Enjoy Xing Fu Tang Sunway Velocity 11.11 Promotion 2nd Cup 33% OFF.
Drop by Xing Fu Tang Sunway Velocity to get ??% ??? on the second cup of drink from 11 until 12 November 2019.
Cherish this two days and grab the promotion!
Terms and Conditions Apply.
Time: 10:00am – 10:00pm
Date: 11th November 2019 to 12th November 2019
Available at:
Xing Fu Tang Sunway Velocity
1.78, 3 Jalan PJS 11/15, Bandar Sunway, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. ?

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