Summary: GSC and Seventh Heaven is having a free redemption on the Bodycare. Simply just catch a movie in GSC Pavilion KL and present 2 movies ticket stubs at Slimming Sanctuary to redeem a free "Active Sculptor Gel".
Terms and Conditions:
- Tickets stub presented must be purchased within the promotional period.
- Promotions are valid only one month from the date of purchase.
- Movie Ticket Stubs are not refundable and exchangeable for cash
- Valid only with GSC Pavilion KL movie ticket stub.
- The management reserves the right to make any amendments to this offer without any prior notice.
Tel: 03-2148 6161
Promotion period is valid from 20th November 2010 till 20th December 2010.
Company: Seventh Heaven / GSC
Sales: 20 Nov 2010 – 20 Dec 2010
Venue: Lot 7.01.08, Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur
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